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  • Manlin

10/2/22 all-in on grad apps

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

I'm stuck on a math problem. That math problem is preventing me from writing my manuscript. I need to suck it up, read the paper, understand the math, and code it into my script. But what do I do? I open up my blog.

I know, I'm toxic.

PVD is really rocking the whole autumn theme. Trees are turning colors, and wind gusts have been stronger than ever. Pumpkin spice drinks start to appear at the food trucks near the river...I walk to downtown feeling like I can almost call it mine, like how I could call midtown ATL mine.


How's grad application going? They're...going.

Back when I chatted with Jen in early May, she told me I should make sure my potential advisors will have funding, since that's probably going to be the hardest part of this whole process. I was skeptical - surely the hardest part would be the red flag(s) on my academic record: no grad-level classes, a B in Multivariable Calculus, never attempted GRE...but definitely not funding. Now as I've reached out to more professors, funding does seem to be the biggest hindrance. Quite a few potential advisors replied and said my background fits their work, but worry there might not be funding.

As an international student, there's a whole different set of problems with funding. I'm not eligible for NSF GRFP due to citizenship restrictions. I joked about this, said I'd marry someone for citizenship just so I can apply for GRFP - you laugh, but do you see how absurd this whole process is for international students? Many NOAA or NASA's fellowships also have citizenship requirements, especially in fields like mine: many earth sciences technology and data is considered sensitive so foreign nationals are excluded from being considered for those fellowships.

Those are struggles, but they're not unexpected. I knew what I was getting into before I even went to Tech. It's inconvenient, and it does put me at slight disadvantage, but it is what it is. I still believe I can find someone who's a great fit research-wise, who has funding, and who mentors in a way where we can thrive together.

All jokes aside, I am truly in the zone in terms of grad applications. I gave up wanting to take shortcuts and started to do due diligence:

  1. research advisors, look at their CVs & see where they came from, read their papers, find what connects my interests with theirs, look at what they care about (how they construct their websites, if they give student shoutouts on Twitter, if they have blogs, etc.,)

  2. reach out to current students, learn about their experience in the program and with the advisor, see what they have to say about grad app and building a career in general

  3. look at paths of the alums: where did they go? Are they doing the kind of things I want to do?

Not a single second was wasted in those processes. Even if a lot of advice from people are similar, I always get at least one tip I've never heard of from each conversation. Plus, it really opened up my eyes to how nice people in the field are and how they're willing to set time aside to help me. I love knowing that they are the types of people I'm trying to become.


Also...(drum roll please)...I got my driver's permit!!!

I hear gasps, allow me to explain.

I never got my license because I took Driver's Ed in Illinois, where I had a J-2 visa. I passed the road test and everything but just couldn't get a licence. Now I'm attempting, again, under the F-1 visa status. Natalie (Bumble friend who's now a IRL friend whom I hang out with quite often) said she'd let me use her car and she'd help me practice driving. In return I'm going to offer to cook dinner for us after every practice.

I'm excited for many things.

Yeah, grad applications are stressful - I dreamed about receiving funding yesterday - but there's so much learning in the process I think it'll be worth it no matter where I end up. Seventeen's music is my constant solace.

Friends and family keep me sane.

PVD's various farmer and flea markets are on fire.

I have autonomy over my happiness.

What more to ask for?

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